
Getting a divorce is something that is very hard. You go into a marriage thinking that it will be for life, so getting a divorce was probably not something you ever imagined happening. Unfortunately, people do things in marriages that end all possibility of reconciliation. The decision to divorce is made and now you have to decide where to live. Here are some tips to help.

Should You Stay or Go?

The ultimate decision is yours, but there are some important things to note. If you have children, it may not be a great idea to leave. That can bring up even more issues. If no extreme cases are at hand here, you may be better off staying in your home.

If you are in a violent relationship, it may be important to get out right away. If you are in a dangerous situation, there are places to go. Men and women alike can face domestic abuse and much more. If this is happening, get out as soon as possible. Check out the National Domestic Violence Hotline for more information.

Staying in the Family Home

If you are not in one of the exceptional situations mentioned above, you may decide you want to stay in your family home. According to Clinch Long Woodbridge, a divorce lawyer in Sydney, doing so can benefit you during the divorce process. Also, if you have children, it is really important not to leave them during this time. It will already take a toll on them with the changes to come. Take a look below at some of the reasons why it is important to stay in your family home.

Some reasons to stay in your family home during the divorce, with or without children:

  • The costs: It can be really expensive living in another home. Some people cannot afford to take care of both places. Staying in your family home avoids unnecessary costs.
  • The emotional toll: Renting a place in the meantime is not a great idea. It is such an emotional time to sign a lease. It can also make it difficult if you have to take time away from children, if you have any. It will be an emotional toll staying, but the pros outweigh the cons.
  • Shows an ability to act as an adult: Sometimes divorces can get nasty. By staying in the family home, you are showing that you are not running from your issues but attempting to resolve them. It shows the ability to try to co-parent if children are involved too. This works out better in court.

Staying in the home also gives you the chance to be 100% sure about your decision. Divorce is a very serious thing. During the process, you may want to change your mind. This gives you the chance to not be bitter and work through all the emotions right in front of you.

How to Live with Your Spouse During a Divorce

There are many reasons why people get a divorce, some of which can cause a lot of emotional turmoil and strong negative feelings towards your spouse. You do not have to reconcile with your spouse, but if you are going to stay in the family home you will need to make sure that you can stay civil and respect each other so that you can both live relatively peacefully. Here is how to live with your spouse until the divorce process has been completed.

Some ways to live with your spouse during the process:

  • Give yourself space: It is very important to set boundaries. You will be needing a lot of space during this time. Be respectful of your spouse’s boundaries too. No matter how you feel about them, they do have rights which should be respected no matter what they have done.
  • Try to start separating the bills: Make sure you are paying your half and your spouse is paying the other half. This makes sure both parties are doing what they are supposed to during this time. One person should not have to take on all the responsibilities while the other spends freely.
  • No fighting: If you cannot talk to each other without yelling or fighting, do not talk at all. If kids are involved, then this is certainly an important rule to keep. You want to remain calm during the situation, no matter how hurt either party is.

Who knows, you may find a reason to stay during this time. Either way, you will benefit from living in the family home during the divorce. Hopefully, all this information helps you make a decision. For more information check out this YouTube video. It can help through this really tough time.

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